Changeset [e0e7cae9b850be39175c4f901cf706418f61aff4] by Yurii Rashkovskii

April 30th, 2008 @ 05:50 AM

First document version should always be NIL_UUID. Store synchronization still fails, got one more pending search_spec example

Committed by Yurii Rashkovskii

  • M lib/strokedb/document.rb
  • M lib/strokedb/document/versions.rb
  • M lib/strokedb/sync/store_sync.rb
  • M spec/integration/search_spec.rb
  • M spec/lib/strokedb/document/document_spec.rb
  • M spec/lib/strokedb/stores/store_spec.rb
  • M spec/lib/strokedb/sync/store_sync_spec.rb
  • M spec/lib/strokedb/view_spec.rb
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